
The Aurora Public School Disrict is committed to safety for every student. At AWCPA, our staff works hard and is focused on keeping students safe every day. We want to provide AWCPA families with three additional ways to keep students and our staff safe:


Call this free phone number to anonymously report issues or concerns about your school or your classmates. You can reach this service by calling 1-877-542-SAFE.


This is an online form that you can complete to let APS staff members know about issues or concerns about your school or your classmates. This form can be found online at:


This is a reporting device located on the wall outside the counseling office which allows school administrators to read your concerns. Issues/Concerns cards are located next to the box. If you have an issue or concern about your safety or your classmates, please complete a card.

Please use any of these communication techniques to report issues you believe need to be addressed to maintain a safe and secure environment at AWCPA. We want to be aware of situations that concern you and address them promptly.